Two versions: first is the version that went to print. The second is a revised version i prefer, but ultimately doesn't communicate the film as effectively. Much prettier in my opinion.
My goal for this assignment was mainly to create a new aesthetic for the franchise Pokémon via a film poster for their first film – “The First Movie”. I say franchise because I want the poster to appeal to the fan-base in its entirety, including the fans from the games and the manga, not just those from the anime. To me the base concept of was simply a young child exploring and discovering a new world filled with ridiculous creatures, so that was the driving force behind my decisions.
To execute this concept I looked into artist models who communicated a similar vibe so looked at work from Studio 4ºC, Headless productions and the art from Catfish Deluxe. Each creates work that’s really energetic and playful. I tried to create the same effect using a forced fish-eye perspective.
In the franchise there’s an overlying theme that’s summed up with their tagline “Gotta catch ‘em all!” I linked back to this creating one solid collective ball of Pokémon.
Although my main aim was to communicate the franchise I thought it be important to at least create some relevance to the film, so I included elements such as the storm clouds which refers to a scene where the antagonist Mewtwo creates a storm to weed out the weak Pokémon trainers. Also the presence of Mew’s shadowy figure in the foreground, and Mewtwo’s glowing eyes behind the clouds. The film was their animated debut so those serve as a tease.
For the redesigns I tried to exaggerate the characteristics of each Pokemon, for example Venusaur, who originally stood at around 6’7” is now large enough for people to sit on it’s back and take shade under it’s flower.
The type I used was referring back to that theme of childhood, therefore I made a chalky, naïve handwritten title. Simple to contrast to the business of the rest of the piece.
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